Student Union Building with Person Walkin



WE, THE MEMBERS OF THE ASSOCIATED STUDENT UNION OF LOS ANGELES VALLEY COLLEGE, in order to recognize and fulfill the needs of fellow students and in seeking fair and equal representation on this campus for all students (regardless of sex, race, color, religious beliefs, or sexual orientation) do so in accordance with the laws pertained within this body, hereby ordain this constitution.

Click here for ASU Constitution


The purpose of these bylaws is to establish the structures and operating procedures of the ASU Executive Council at Los Angeles Valley College.

Click here for ASU BYLAWS 


The ASU Executive Council has abbreviated Robert's Rules of Order books available in the Office of Student Life for check.

What is Parliamentary Procedure?

  • Parliamentary procedure, or parliamentary law, is the code of rules and ethics for working together in groups.
  • Parliamentary law refers to the rules, laws, or regulations of organizations, governing the orderly, expeditious and efficient transaction of business and meetings and conventions. Without rules, there would be injustice and confusion. Hence, it is as necessary to follow the rules of parliamentary law as it is to follow the rules of a ball game or a card game.

Why is it important?

  • All members have equal rights.
  • Minority rights must be protected.
  • Full and free discussion is an essential right.
  • Use simplest and most direct procedure.
  • Only one question considered at a time.
  • Logical precedence governs order of discussion.
  • Members must be recognized before speaking.
  • All remarks are directed through the chair.
  • No member may speak twice to the same question until all others have had an opportunity to speak Members may not question the character or motives of other members.
  • Members have a right at all times to know what question is before the assembly and what affirmative and negative votes mean.

Office Hours

Mondays -Thursdays 8:00 AM - 7:00 PM 
Fridays 8:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Saturdays to Sundays: Closed

